Here are some resources and articles to help improve your habits.

Questions From a Listener

I recently received an email from a supporter of the podcast and someone I respect very much. In the email he first congratulated me on the shows one year anniversary, but then asked me what I’ve learned from my guests over the past twelve months. Below are the questions he asked and my response. I would love your thoughts on your own experience with habits, good or bad. Cleck below to see my thoughts.

Body Scan Meditation

A complete body scan meditation that starts with cleansing breath exercise, and moves through all parts of the body. Using the breath to expand, and relax into newfound space while observing the body non-judgmentally. A good mediation for beginners or experienced meditators alike.


So, you've decided to give meditation a try

So, you've decided to give meditation a try or you were merely curious and clicked the article, perhaps you are an experienced meditator with years of practice and “just looking”.

 Any way you do it...I'm stoked you are here!!!

 I hope you find, as I and millions of others have, a benefit to this simple, and profound practice. 

Mindfulness Meditation

Welcome to Mindfulness Meditation, a guided meditation that invites you into a tranquil mindfulness journey. This practice focuses on the natural rhythm of your breath as an anchor to the present moment. Throughout this session, you'll be encouraged to observe your breath without judgment, allowing yourself to embrace the sensations, movements, and quiet rhythm within each inhalation and exhalation. By cultivating this awareness, you'll discover a sense of calmness, clarity, and an open-hearted presence in your life. Join us on this exploration to ground yourself in the serenity of the present.



Finding Connection Through Purpose, Challenge and Empathy

 We need each other. “Helping someone else through difficulty is where civilization starts. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; for, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”- Margaret Mead

 The story goes that a student asked anthropologist Margaret Mead “What was the first indication of civilization?” Expecting an answer of pottery or fishhooks, Mead allegedly stated it was a healed femur of a 15,000-year-old person, for in the “wild” if an animal broke a major bone like a femur they couldn’t hunt or gather and would therefor perish. The healed femur indicates that this person was helped and healed, alas the first indication of society’s advance and a notable need for connection to survive.