CoH Events

Veteran Breathwork and Cold Exposure Event

Veteran Breathwork and Cold Exposure Event

$35 Donation Requested to Attend

A Wim Hof Breathwork and Cold Exposure Event
for Military Veterans

Join us at CrossFit Petram, in Middletown, DE, on March 23rd at 10:00 am, and discover your ability to voluntarily activate your autonomic nervous system, actively influence your immune response, and consciously control your response to stress and pain. This practice has huge implications for health and wellness, and is a great alternative tool for veterans seeking alternative ways to deal with stress.. Let’s breathe, get cold, and strengthen our connection with ourselves together!

Additionally, thanks to the generous support of The Patriot Fund, Athletic Brewing Company, and CrossFit Petram, CoH is able to cover the cost of this event ($150 per person), but we are asking participants to donate $35 to CoH to secure your spot for the workshop. This helps ensure that veterans who register are committed to attending and value the workshop opportunity. The link below will guide you to our donation site.

Event Details: Date: 3/23/24 Location: CrossFit Petram, 14 W Main Street, Middletown, Delaware 19709

What to Expect:

1.     Guided Breathwork Sessions: Immerse yourself in rejuvenating breathwork sessions designed to release stress, promote emotional healing, and tap into your inner strength. Learn various breathing techniques that cultivate relaxation, focus, and self-awareness, and resilience.

2.     Controlled Cold Exposure: Step outside your comfort zone as you engage in controlled cold exposure exercises under the guidance of experienced facilitators. Experience the invigorating benefits of cold therapy, which include improved immune function, increased energy, reduced inflammation, and enhanced mental clarity.

 3.     Mindfulness and Resilience Practices: Deepen your mindfulness practice and cultivate resilience as you integrate mindfulness techniques into your breathwork and cold exposure experiences. Develop the ability to stay present, manage stress, and embrace discomfort with an empowered and resilient mindset. 

4.     Supportive Community: Connect with fellow veterans who are also exploring the synergy of breathwork and cold exposure. Share your journey, find support, and build lasting connections with like-minded individuals.

Limited Spots Available: Secure your spot now!

Unleash the transformative potential within you as you breathe and face the cold head-on. Reserve your spot today and join us at our Veteran-specific Breathwork and Cold Exposure Event.


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Plogging For a Purpose. Cleaning up the Schuylkill Canal Park Lock 60

Plogging For a Purpose. Cleaning up the Schuylkill Canal Park Lock 60

Plogging for a Purpose: protecting the environment, promoting wellness, and building connection through a shared purpose and challenge. Do something for yourself while simultaneously giving back to your community.

Want to help the environment while improving your physical wellness? Join Consequence of Habit and McGriff Insurance Services in a morning of plogging, an activity that combines walking/jogging and picking up litter. Throughout the year, we are hosting multiple plogging campaigns, where you can pick up litter while walking or jogging in local neighborhoods and parks.

The goal of this initiative is to pick up as much trash as possible while you are outside, connecting with friends and co-workers, and cleaning up your community by picking up trash. Participants will be responsible for proper disposal of the litter collected.

Participants will receive gloves, trash picker sticks, garbage bags, and safety tip sheet to use when plogging. ​

Join us for live events at:

Friday, October 20th, 2023 from 9:00 am - 12:00 PM.

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Wim Hof Method Fundamentals Workshop

CoH is pleased to announce our next in person workshop designed to bring awareness to the impact habits have on our mental health and success.

Come join and discover your ability to voluntarily activate your autonomic nervous system, actively influence your immune response and consciously control your response to stress and pain. This practice has huge implications for health and wellness across the globe! Let’s breathe, get cold and strengthen our connection with ourselves together! Registration can be found below

Additionally, CoH is covering the cost of this event ($150 per person) but we are asking for participants to donate $35 to CoH. This helps ensure that those who register are committed to attending and value the workshop opportunity. The link below will guide you to our donation site.

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CoH Virtual Meetings

CoH Virtual Meetings

CoH Virtual Meeting, November 18th - 7:00 PM EST

How do we replace our bad habits with ones that could potentially improve our mental health, happiness, success and the environment?

In an effort to spread the power of positive habit forming, CoH has invited experts in different fields to guest host a monthly meeting where we’ll discuss building positive habits through mindfulness/meditation, physical fitness, breathwork, a healthy diet….you get the idea.

This month’s guest meeting host is Nutritionist Denis Faye. Denis will be discussing nutrition for endurance athletes. Denis has contributed to dozens of publications including The New York Times, Outside, Men’s Journal, Wired, Men’s Health, and Natural Products Insider. He’s also ghostwritten or collaborated on books including Tony Horton’s The Big Picture and Michele Promanaulayko’s Sugar Free 3.

Denis has a clear understanding of the impact of habits, and has transformed his own life, going from an inactive couch potato in his twenties to nutrition authority and competitive endurance athlete.

Fill out the below registration to receive the Zoom link.

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CoH Virtual Meetings

CoH Virtual Meetings

CoH Virtual Meeting, June 22nd - 7:00 PM EST

How do we replace our bad habits with ones that could potentially improve our mental health, happiness, success and the environment?

In an effort to spread the power of positive habit forming, CoH has invited experts in different fields to guest host a monthly meeting where we’ll discuss building positive habits through mindfulness/meditation, physical fitness, breathwork, a healthy diet….you get the idea.

This month’s guest meeting host is Wim Hof Certified Instructor, Jason Muscavage. Jason will be discussing our ability to voluntarily activate your autonomic nervous system, actively influence your immune response and consciously control your response to stress and pain. This practice has huge implications for health and wellness across the globe!

Fill out the below registration to receive the Zoom link.

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Mindfulness, Meditation and Movement Workshop

Mindfulness, Meditation and Movement Workshop

  • Delaware Information and Analysis Center (DIAC) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mindfulness, Meditation and Movement Workshop

CoH is honored to announce our first in-person workshop specifically designed for the active-duty military, veteran, and first responder community.

1. DISCOVER the WHAT: Participants take a simple yet insightful Self-Assessment that highlights their specific opportunities to improve musculoskeletal, emotional and mental health.

2. LEARN the HOW: The live seminar presents a clear set of high-impact

physical and mental actions to take to improve those categories of health.

3. DEVELOP the HABIT: It takes as little as 4 weeks to see lasting change in body and mind. Your After-Action report provides individualized and population-level guidance for employees to develop targeted self-care habits.

This event will be held on April 5th, 2022, from 9:00 AM-12:30 PM at the Delaware Information and Analysis Center (DIAC). Seating is limited so please complete the registration form (found on the bottom of this page) to reserve your seat. This event is free of charge thanks to our generous supporters.

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